A piece of history
Our expertise in the field of premium wheels of exclusive wheel-tire combinations is the result of 35 years of professional experience in the automotive sector and the founding of the owner-managed family business in 2013 at the Kerpen location.
Already at the time of foundation, the need for exclusive and original wheel sets in mint condition was recognized. Why should one always rely on new goods, when it is also possible to fall back on wheel sets in mint condition, which save resources and the buyer can also save a lot of money in the process.
With answer to this question the enterprise Werksraeder24 was created and is since then on constant growth course. More than 25 employees bring their expertise in the areas of automotive, logistics, IT and customer service every day with full passion.
Our long experience has shown us that the demand for new original BMW wheel sets and special solutions has been growing.
We have made it our strength to equip exclusive wheel sets in a way that is not directly offered by BMW and yet not to forego premium tires. Through maximum flexibility, we can thus offer your dream wheel set.
In 2019, we have also found two strong partners for accessory rims with Autec and Brock and could thus close the last gap in our product portfolio.
Currently we are working on new product solutions to meet our high quality standards in the future.